Welcoming places in Blackpool
How to find a Welcoming Place
Welcoming places are at community groups, our libraries and some local churches, halls, and community cafes. Our online directory provides a map and full list of local Welcoming Places including their location and facilities.
What is a Welcoming Place?
Welcoming places are free, safe and supportive spaces that you can visit.
They offer somewhere to:
- look after your physical and mental health
- get access to support, advice and sometimes have free Wi-Fi
- enjoy the company of others
- stay for a while in a warm space
They're run by:
- Blackpool Council
- council partners
- other local community organisations
Other support available
Streetlife is a local charity that provides shelter and support to vulnerable young people aged 16 to 25 in Blackpool.
You can have a chat or meet with our one-to-one appointment worker. During the drop in young people can buy a cheap snack and have free toast.
We also have colleagues from other agencies for example, North Lancs Training, Drugline and Health professionals who attend our drop in sessions and offer support to young people.
We try to make the drop in an interesting place for you to be so we also offer some activities
- Mondays - get help to get online
- Wednesdays - baking
- Fridays – Health MOTs
Opening Hours
Drop in to our cost of living warm up hubs open 7 days a week from 12.30pm to 4.30pm where you can keep warm, have a hot meal/drink, join in activities, seek advice and so much more.
Telephone: 01253 294477Email: info@wearestreetlife.org
Website: wearestreetlife.org
Open 7 days a week for drop in 12.30pm to 4.30pm48, Buchanan Street, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 3LQ
A women-only space just a short walk from Blackpool town centre.
We offer support with:
- 1-1 Therapy
- Group training
- Coffee mornings
- Money and energy advice
- Employment advice and guidance
- Cost of living support
- Warm space
Take a look at our groups that are free to join in.
Telephone: 0300 330 1354Email: TalkToUs@lancashirewomen.org
Website: lancashirewomen.org/blackpool
For all women aged 16+255, Church Street, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY1 3PB
Welcoming space for creatives and students
Aunty Social
28 Topping Street
Blackpool, FY1 3AQ
Times and activities vary, for full details see the Aunty Social website
Blackpool Council's family hubs and children's centres act as a one-stop shop for a variety of services.
They are somewhere your child can make friends and learn as they play. A place you can get professional advice on health and family matters, learn about training and job opportunities or just drop in for a chat.
Our main libraries provide friendly, accessible spaces for people to:
- sit and read or chat
- use public computers - for example, to apply for financial support, food vouchers and other schemes
- access our free Wi-Fi
- join in with social groups and activities