Terms and conditions
The FYi Directory website is a funded by a partnership between Blackpool Council and Lancashire and South Cumbria NHS integrated care board. The website is administered by Blackpool Council. The information contained within the website is available for the purposes of identifying services and provision that are available to the residents of the Fylde Coast so help with their health and wellbeing.
A wide variety of organisations, including voluntary groups, clubs, societies and charities have provided information for The FYI Directory and whilst Blackpool Council and its partners take reasonable care to ensure the accuracy of the information on the directory.

Blackpool Council and its partners do not accept any liability or responsibility for:
- The accuracy of the information received from providers and services
- The suitability of services for a particular purpose
- The quality of the services included
- The content of any external website linked to this Directory
Please note:
- We do not promote or endorse any of the services listed in this Directory in any way.
- We recognize that we are unable to provide a complete list of services and that others may be available.
- Anyone seeking to use or access these services does so at their own risk and should make all appropriate enquiries about fitness for purpose and suitability to meet their needs.
- Some providers will be registered and inspected by external agencies, such as OFSTED or the Care Quality Commission. Services providing personal care will not be accepted onto the site without the appropriate CQC registrations. Not all groups/activity providers are required to be registered and these groups may not be regulated in any way.
- Checks should be carried out by anyone using these services to make sure that the service has adequate policies and procedures in place.
- Services have a responsibility to be open and welcoming and to share information about themselves and their activities.
- Blackpool Council and its partners will not be held responsible for any loss, damage or inconvenience caused as a result of any inaccuracy or error within the information held on The FYI Directory.
- Anyone working with children, young people or vulnerable adults will be required to have an appropriate Disclosure and Barring Service Check (the replacement for the Criminal Record Check), safeguarding policies and insurance in place, which they should make available to you on request.
You agree and confirm that:
- All content submitted by you is accurate, true and up to date and, if your content contains opinions, these are your own and genuinely and truly held by you;
- All content submitted by you may be used on this website in any way required. Content may be rejected, edited, moderated, removed or deleted at our absolute discretion.
- All content is original to you and you are fully entitled (and have all necessary consents) to submit the content (you must also have the consent of anyone featured in the content to provide this to us) and you are agreeable for this to be used as set out in the terms;
- Nothing in the content will infringe the copyright or any other right of any person, breach any contract or duty of confidence, be defamatory, obscene, offensive, indecent, harassing, threatening, breach anyone’s privacy or may constitute a contempt of court or be calculated to bring any person into disrepute;
- You must hold the copyright or have the agreement to use any images, logos etc.
Personal information you are asked to supply on your registration form ("Your Personal Data"), will be used as follows:
- To administer your registration and account;
- To make decisions about whether content you submit should be accepted, rejected or used.
- Your Personal Data will be kept private and confidential, and will not be passed on to third parties without your express consent and will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy. When submitting website content you are deciding what information you agree to be accessible to the public which could include personal data such as email addressess, location of services, telephone numbers etc. You agree that the information provided is true and accurate.
If you become aware of any misuse of the content or wish to complain about any content on this website or believe any of your rights have been violated, you can contact us.
If you are not happy with how the council has handled your personal information, you can complain to us to give us the opportunity to resolve this with you. You should contact Blackpool Council's Data Protection Officer if you have a complaint.
If we cannot resolved the issue you can complain to the Information Commissioner:
Information Commissioner's Office,
Wycliffe House, Water Lane,
Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF
0303 123113
- You may terminate your listings at any time, for any reason. Even after your Account is terminated (for whatever reason) the Terms will remain in full force and effect. Your Content will remain on the website.
- We reserve the right to suspend or terminate your account or access to any part of the website at any time if you breach the Terms or for technical reasons.
- You can ask us to remove your content directory listings from the website if you are providing a non regulated service. Some information shown on the website directory for regulated services is provided by automated data feeds where we do not control the information and you may need to contract the appropriate regulatory body (eg Ofsted or CQC) if any of the information shown is inaccurate or needs to be removed.
- These terms shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of England. Any disputes arising from this website or terms will be decided only by the English courts.