Free bike coding events

15 January 2024

Throughout Spring and Summer 2024, PCSO's from Blackpool Police Station and their cadets invite you along to a free bike coding event and there is an additional incentive for children to come along and join in a free game of football.

Date Time Venue Activity
25th July 1pm to 3pm Bancroft Park MUGA Bike coding and football with Jamie Houghton BFC coach
31st July to 1st August To be confirmed Stanley Park Bike coding and lots of activites 
8th August 1pm to 3pm Revoe Park Bike coding and football with Jamie Houghton BFC coach
14th August 1pm to 3pm Highfield Park MUGA Bike coding and football with Jamie Houghton BFC coach
23rd August  1pm to 3pm Crossland Park Bike coding and football with Jamie Houghton BFC coach
29th August 1pm to 3pm Langdale Road MUGA Bike coding and football with Jamie Houghton BFC coach