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About us

We have free Starter Packs available which include bedding, towels, toiletries, kettle and toaster for those in need.

We are a Baby Bank and help any one who is struggling with baby items including bedding, nappies, baby blankets also all nursery items such as baby baths, moses baskets, sterilisers etc. For mum we also pack hospital bags which include breast pads, sanitary items and much more .

We also hold free clothes shops four times a month where you can get adults and children's clothes and shoes.

Please see Facebook for information and for the dates.

Also watch for our free winter coats days in October and November.


Name: Linda McEvilly


Essential items for the home, adults and children's clothes and baby items
Hope House, Tarnside, Blackpool, Lancashire, FY4 4RD
Last Updated: 12.07.2023