Emotional and wellbeing support
Emotional and wellbeing support
Mental health and wellbeing issues can affect anyone. They can be caused by money problems or be the cause of money problems. There's always someone you can talk to, and help is available.
Other support available
Available day or night, 24 hours a day to listen and offer emotional support to anyone who needs it. Please call 116 123 free from any phone,
or you can contact Samaritans online.
NHS Mental Health Crisis Line
Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week by calling 0800 953 0110. It is staffed by trained mental health professionals who are able to provide assessment and referrals to appropriate services. Ring it if you need to access services or for advice about someone who needs treatment or support.
Domestic abuse is any incident of threatening behaviour, violence or abuse. Types of abuse include psychological, physical, sexual, financial or emotional.
- Call 999 if you or someone you know is in immediate danger from domestic abuse.
- Call 101 if you want to report something that's happened or if you want to seek advice.
- Call the Independent Domestic Abuse Service (IDAS) on 03000 110 110 or the 24-hour national domestic abuse helpline on 0808 2000 247.
- Visit the IDAS website for more help and support.
Alcoholics Anonymous
Support service that helps people to not feel alone when battling their addiction. They help people handle sobriety and assist in their recovery. You can call AA on 0800 917 7650. You can also email them at help@aamail.org or visit the AA website.
NHS Blackpool Talking Therapies provides a range of talking therapies including:
- Guided self-help
- Cognitive behavioral therapy
- Eye movement desensitization therapy
- Counselling
- Couples counselling
- Long-term health condition integrated psychological treatment
- Stress control courses - next online course to start 22nd November 2023
- Mindfulness classes
For more details telephone 01253 955700