Finding childcare


You can view our online directory of Early Education and childcare settings

View early education and childcare settings

If you are finding it difficult to find suitable childcare

We may be able to help. If you live in Blackpool please complete the form below so that we can make enquiries with potential childcare providers on your behalf. Please give as much information as possible so that we can try and find a provider that will best match your circumstances. Please allow five - ten minutes to complete the form.

You will need to agree that we may pass any information you provide to potential childcare providers. We will get in touch with you to clarify any details and to let you know about who might able to help.

Residents in Blackpool

Blackpool Family Information Service
Telephone: 01253 477854

Blackpool residents can also complete the form below.

Residents in Fylde and Wyre

Lancashire Family Information Service
Telephone: 0300 123 6712

Complete request to find childcare